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NETLWDB Committees

Executive Committee

Committee Membership:

The WDB chair shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee.  Members consists of WDB officers and chair of each standing committee.  Officers consist of Chair, Past Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary/Treasurer.


Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Assist the WDB in providing leadership in the over-all planning, implementation, and performance of the WIOA system activities and programs.

  • Follow progress of the State WDB and its Steering Committee for relevant planning, information and guidance.

  • Collect and review workforce data and best practices for data-driven and evidence-based recommendation and decision making.

  • Assist with the Identification of key pathways and sectors.

  • Create an Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL).

  • Review and combined gathered outcomes for the Local plan from other local WDB WIOA planning committees.

  • Bring a draft WIOA local plan to the WDB in a timely manner that the WIOA requirements and provide a dynamic, innovative and effective workforce system of activities and programs to our local community for the WDC’s input and final approval.

  • Assist with the monitoring of the workforce system’s performance measures and its continuous improvement processes once the new WIOA system is in place.

  • Review and approve any proposed changes to the WDB bylaws.

  • Create task forces or sub-committees as needed.


Organizational Structure
Operations & Planning Committee

Duties & Responsibilities:


  • Provide leadership and ongoing input into the planning, implementation, and performance of an integrated service delivery through an ideal one stop system.

  • Select Vice-Chair from within the Committee.

    • Follow progress of the State WDB for relevant planning, information and guidance.

    • Develops policy for program services

    • Collect and review workforce data and best practices for data-driven and evidence-based recommendation and decision making.

  • Represent core partners, one stop partners and the community in providing and maintaining an effective system.

  • Develops and ensures coordination between partners

  • Assist in the alignment of workforce systems.

  • Provide input related to career pathways that are integrated into an ideal one stop system.

  • Provide input on one-stop certification and technology.

  • Provide input related to the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL).

  • Provides oversight for program and fiscal cost effectiveness;

  • Provides guidance to staff in collection, analysis and use of labor market data

  • Provide updates to the Executive Committee.

  • Assist with other activities as requested by the Executive Committee.

  • Create task forces or sub-committees as needed.


Youth & Young Adult

Duties & Responsibilities:


  • Assist the WDB Executive Committee in activities related youth and young adult workforce investment activities.

  • Select a vice-chair from within the committee.

  • Follow progress of the State WDB for relevant planning, information and guidance.

  • Share, collect and review data and best practices for data-driven and evidence-based recommendations and decision making.

  • Represent and youth adults, including those that are disadvantaged and/or disengaged.

  • Provide ongoing input into the implementation and performance of the local plan activities for youth and young adults.

  • Recommend strategies that lead to economic self-sufficiency.

  • Provide input related to the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL).

  • Provide updates to the Executive Committee.

  • Assist with other activities as requested by the Executive Committee.

  • Create task forces or sub-committees as needed.

  • Developing those portions of the local Workforce Development plan which deal with youth;

  • Developing or recommitting to strong partnerships with regional schools, youth service providers, and the juvenile justice system to provide wrap-around services for youth;

  • Establishing a continuum of services to help disconnected youth navigate between the educational and workforce systems;

  • Identifying and promoting evidence-based strategies to assist in achieving high-levels of performance, accountability, and quality in preparing young people for the workforce;

  • Leveraging Federal, state, local and philanthropic resources to support in-school youth (ISY) and out-of-school youth (OSY).

  • Recommend policy direction to the local board for the design, development, and implementation of programs that benefit all youth;

  • Recommend the design of a comprehensive community workforce development system to ensure a full range of services and opportunities for all youth, including disconnected youth;

  • Recommend ways to leverage resources and coordinate services among schools, public programs, and community-based organizations serving youth;

  • Recommend ways to coordinate youth services and recommend eligible youth service providers;

  • Provide on-going leadership and support for continuous quality improvement for local youth programs;

Services to Individuals with Disabilities/Targeted Populations

Duties & Responsibilities:


  • Review ways to increase competitive integrated employment (CIE) opportunities for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) or other individuals with significant disabilities;

  • The use of certificate program carried out under Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for the employment of individuals with I/DD or other individuals with significant disabilities; and

  • Ways to improve oversight of the use of such certificates.

  • Reviewing and aligning policies, procedures, eligibility, and enrollment and planning for services for individuals, with the objective of increasing opportunities for employment for individuals with disabilities.

  • Developing cross-agency tools to document eligibility, order of selection, assessment, and planning for services for individuals with disabilities.

  • Identifying best practices, effective partnerships, sources of available federal funds, opportunities for shared services among existing providers, and means to expand model programs to increase community employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

  • Identifying and addressing areas where sufficient support is not currently available or where additional options are needed to assist individuals with disabilities to work in competitive employment in integrated settings.

  • Establishing interagency agreements to improve coordination of services and allow for data sharing as appropriate to assist individuals with disabilities.

  • Setting benchmarks for improving community employment outcomes and services for individuals with disabilities.

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